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Thursday, 27 September 2012

Dare to face your fears
7 Mind Secrets series

A merchant traveled a long distance throughout the night on his horse without any rest in between. The horse was very thirsty and tired by this time. Early next morning they came across a Persian wheel in a farmer’s field. On the merchant’s request the farmer started the Persian wheel…

The water started flowing immediately along with a loud noise coming from the water boxes of the Persian wheel. The horse had never heard such a big cracking noise before. So it was very scared and would not go near the water even though it was very thirsty…

On the merchant’s request the farmer stopped the Persian wheel. Now there was no noise, but no water either. To get the water the Persian wheel had to be started. But again the problem of the big noise would happen and the horse would not go near the water…

Then the wise farmer told the merchant “if the horse wants to drink the water it has to do so only while the Persian wheel is running and making its noise… there is no other way”…

Did the horse finally drink the water?

That’s not the question. The real question is whether you want to drink the water?…

In your real life that water is your own success and happiness. That noise is fear of various problems and obstacles which you face daily in pursuit of your dreams. Are you waiting for the problems to disappear before you become truly successful and happy? Then life-long it’s going to be one hell of a wait, my friend!...

It’s much better to learn now how to be successful and happy in spite of the problems, not in the absence of the problems

Your self-limiting beliefs

But it’s your self-limiting beliefs - and not the problems - which are preventing you from enjoying an abundance of success and happiness. The time has come in your life now to convert these dis-empowering beliefs of losers into empowering beliefs of winners…

How to do that is the next million dollar question. So start reading, start searching. Dare to face your fears and make mistakes…

In short, start exploring, experimenting and evolving. Start doing whatever you feel is right according to your heart and your peculiar circumstances. But please start...

There’s always a first time for everything in life. You have to start someday. Why not today?...

Take your first step boldly. You have nothing to lose other than your fears. Do it now.

Dr. Arora’s
7 Mind Secrets Course
Changing Lives Positively

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  1. wow!this is great! Awesome sir! Thank you so much for this inspiring, unique story!

  2. awsome... Its realy helpfull for all of Us. Thanks a Tone
