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Friday, 28 September 2012

Advanced course on "Past Life Therapy"
7 Mind Secrets series 

By Dr. Arora 2 solve your long-standing financial, health, emotional or relationship problems: 
2 sessions of 90 mts each for 2 sundays: 

Starting this Sunday morn, Sept 30 w.e.f. 9.45 am in our Shree Hall: 

Investment Rs. 4,990/-: ONLY 1 SEAT LEFT: PLEASE CALL ME NOW.

Do it now. 

Dr. Arora’s

7 Mind Secrets Course
Changing Lives Positively

Website:    www.drsudhirarora.com
Linkedin:    www.in.linkedin.com/in/drsudhirarora
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Dr.Sudhir.Arora.Mind.Guru
YouTube:  www.youtube.com/mindguru1
Share... Because You Care J 

1 comment:

  1. We all get stuck mentally in some stage in life. While everything in our life may appear to be progressing well, internally there is a blockage which constantly eats you up.

    In India, the focus is so much on Intelligence and Finances we neglect our emotional state. In West there are many centers to help you psychologically over come these blockages. In India, I have rarely seen such kind of help.

    Dr. Arora came as a great help for me, I did the Past Life Therapy. It helped me resolve conflicts from my child hood, which had been lingering deep within me and eating me up. After the two sessions and a month or so, I could see me letting go on the points from the past I was so stuck on.

    Life is beautiful again and I feel much lighter, much more vibrant.

    Thank you Dr. Arora for this therapy.
